Windows are a primary focal feature in homes that also serve an important purpose. On top of creating a beautiful view, the windows that you choose can also help to keep you cool. 

Exploring the different types of glass that are available gives you insight into how to improve your property’s energy-efficiency.

What Are the Best Glass Windows to Keep Your Phoenix Home Cool?

Home and business owners have multiple options for choosing windows that serve their desired purpose. 

Working closely with a glass repair and replacement technician helps you to select new windows that are durable and energy-efficient. 

When cooling your home is a priority, check out these styles that are known for reducing heat transfer in buildings.

Insulated Glass Windows

For many years, single pane windows were standard for homes and commercial buildings. 

A single pane naturally absorbs the sun’s heat and allows it to pass through to the inside of your home. You can feel this effect by placing your hand on the interior facing side of a single pane window during the heat of the day.

Insulated windows use several panes that leave space between each one that is filled with gas. Filling the space with krypton or argon gas reduces heat transfer, which makes the indoor area stay cooler.

Double and Triple Pane Windows

Insulated windows come in two main versions that are described by the number of panes. As one might expect, a triple pane window is more efficient than one with only two panes. 

Usually, glass technicians recommend triple pane models for parts of a building that receive high amounts of direct sunlight.

Low-E Glass Windows

Low-E glass has a special coating that helps to prevent ultraviolet and infrared light from passing through. 

This coating is thin enough that it is virtually undetectable when you gaze upon the beauty of the outdoors. But, it is strong enough to stand up to the sun’s direct rays. 

Choosing panes with a low-E coating can reduce energy loss by a range of 30 to 50%.

Do Thicker Glass Windows Reduce Heat?

A thicker single pane will reduce heat compared to one that is thinner. Thicker panes also help to reduce the risk of breakage while offering some noise-reducing benefits.

But, the effects of thicker single pane windows are minimal compared to choosing a multi-pane unit that also contains insulating gas. 

Combining durable panes with low-E coatings and insulating gas gives you maximum energy-efficiency for keeping your Phoenix home cool.


Choosing the right type of windows helps to reduce heat in homes and commercial buildings throughout the Phoenix area. 

Every building is unique, and you have multiple options for finding a window that fits your budget and need for energy-efficiency.

While insulated windows alone can help to keep heat transfer down, you can also combine special qualities to maximize the effects. 

You may also opt to use highly efficient windows on certain parts of your property while choosing more cost-effective models for areas that receive less sunlight.

With a professional window consultation, you can take a customized approach to selecting styles that meet your energy-efficiency preferences for each room in your home.